The Puffin Run 2021

We're adding the past weekend to the unforgettable ones and to the "must repeat" list. 😉 We decided to support our friends from Zabiegani Reykjavík and took part in The Puffin Run 2021. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

This exciting race takes place on the beautiful island Vestmannaeyjar, which is the largest puffin settlement in the world. Running amidst such picturesque scenery is truly an unforgettable experience, but completing the 20 km route can be quite a challenge, so congratulations to all runners. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️ Well done!

Zimnolubni (Cold Lovers) not only cheered, but some decided to take part in the race. One of the participants was our boss Agnieszka, "The organizers prepared the event perfectly. There were people standing in many places, pointing out the further part of the route, but also clapping, encouraging us to continue. We could feel that they were really happy that so many people took part."

To our surprise, one of the runners was the President of Iceland Guðni Thorlacius JóhannessonWe were very pleased that we could talk and take pictures together. Thank you!:)

Zimnolubna (Cold Lover) Margaret admits that #thePuffinRun was a great opportunity for her to go to Vestmannaeyjar and adds, "The route around the island itself was beautiful, although it became a challenge for me at some points. I didn't run for a good time, but just for fun, to feel the energy. For me as an amateur runner it was a very nice experience."

The stay at Vestmannaeyjar was intense, but very rewarding. "In the evening we were swimming in the ocean, entering from the Víkin beach. The next day in the morning we climbed the Blátindur mountain with a few people, from where we admired the view of the entire island," says Agnieszka. Our gallery confirms that there was no shortage of beautiful views. "Next year we will also go back there – for a run, for a swim and for climbing mountains," concludes Agnieszka.


Fot. Mariusz Zaworka


Fot: Mariusz Zaworka

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