Blood donation

We don't want to make your blood boil, but we want you to share it, as we are happy to do. ❤ ❤ For many of us, this was not a new experience, but it was the first time we did it together, in the Zimnolubni (Cold Lovers) colors. In the era of the pandemic, the number of blood donors has dropped significantly, so such help is now especially needed.

In Blóðbankinn we had to register already a few weeks before. We filled out the appropriate forms and our blood samples were taken. If the test results are correct, you can already donate blood after two weeks. As you can see, the whole process is not complicated and every foreigner can support the Icelandic blood bank. All you have to do is stay in Iceland for at least three months, have a kennitala number and speak Icelandic or English. Individuals between the ages of 18 and 60 and weighing over 50 kg can donate blood.

Each volunteer is allowed to donate 450 ml of blood and we are proud to admit that the Zimnolubni donated a total of almost 5 liters. ❤ It was very nice, professional and we felt very taken care of by the staff of Blóðbankinn. We will definitely be appearing here regularly, i.e. men can repeat the process every 3 months and women every 4.

If you want to join us next time, be sure to follow our events and let's do it together. 🙂 Let's help and remember that the true gift of life flows in our veins... 🙂 Pomagajmy i pamiętajmy, że w naszych żyłach płynie prawdziwy dar życia…


Fot. Mariusz Zaworka


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