Icelandic Mordor

Everybody has pictures with the volcano in the background, we have it too! By day, by night, together, separately – we observed these wonderful views at different times, from different perspectives, but we all agree it was worth it. ❤ ❤

As an association, we decided to support the lifeguards from Björgunarsveitin ÞorbjörnPeople from this volunteer-based organization not only prepared the routes to the volcano, but also ensure the safety of everyone who visits the eruption site. Without their efforts, this trip would not have been possible for many of us, so we wanted to thank them very much and made a donation to their account. We're thrilled to have raised 77,003 ISK. 🙂 We encourage everyone to make even a small donation to the rescuers. 🙂 Zachęcamy wszystkich do przekazania nawet niewielkiego datku dla ratowników.

Some of the Zimnolubni (Cold Lovers) liked the sight of Iceland's Mordor so much that they have visited the place several times already, and others will be happy to do it again. It is hard to say whether it is better to do it during the day or at night, because it is always different and always beautiful... What about your pictures? How was it? Show off in the comments.🙂 🙂



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