Aga na podium!

For some Zimnolubni (Cold Lovers), #coldexposure sometimes is not enough. They need even stronger stimuli, something that will force them to even greater effort. That something is #iceswimmingwhich is swimming in open water of 5°C or colder and wearing only a standard swimsuit, swimming cap and googles. Have you tried it yet? If not, welcome to the world of the Zimnolubni! 🥶❄️ 🥶❄️

Our boss Agnieszka can no longer imagine her life. without ice swimming. This passion absorbed her so much that in February this year she took part in @IISA 4th Ice Swimming World Championship organized by International Ice Swimming Association (IISA).

Do you remember how our guest - Leszek Naziemiec Dzikie Pływanie old us about the organization of this competition? If not, we encourage you to watch it –

Leszek, who was a co-organizer of this year's championship, motivated Agnieszka even more. She spent months preparing for the competition with Zimnolubny (Cold Lover) Mateusz, who is a lifeguard and swimming coach. Unfortunately Mateusz was stopped by private matters, so only Agnieszka faced daredevils from all over the world during the competition in #Glogow, winning 3rd place in her age category (45-49 years old) in the 250 m swim. 🥉 🥉

"We swam in the Oder River, it was a marina pool created for the competition. What surprised me was that I didn't really cool down swimming in that water, which was 3°C, because I was training in water below 1°C. With water like that it makes a big difference, and I didn't really get cold. I felt like I was swimming very little. Maybe it was also because I wasn't swimming that fast. My goal was to take part in the competition and finish it, not to fight so hard for a place," says Agnieszka delighting with the organization of the whole event and the opportunity to meet nice and inspiring people from all over the world. Mateusz says, "I was very pleased with Agnieszka. It was her first competition and she did very well."

Agnieszka and Mateusz are preparing for the next championship, which will take place next year in France. They train 5, 6 times a week in the pool and in the ocean, perfecting their swimming technique and endurance. Agnieszka is going to swim 250m and 100m this time. "This is the next step towards my next goal, which is to swim an #icemile (1,609 meters in water with a temperature below 5°C). I've always enjoyed swimming and the combination of cold and water is the discovery of such a true passion. I was always missing something when I was swimming in the pool. The water was too warm or it was boring to push off the wall to wall, but combining it together gives you the opportunity to swim in so many different water environments and places, anywhere," says Agnieszka. She encourages everyone who would like to experience similar adventures to join our group, where you will not only be able to train cold exposure, but also improve your swimming technique or start learning from the beginning. 🏊‍♂️🏊‍♀️🏊 🏊🏊‍♀️🏊‍♂️

„Kto wie, może za dwa, trzy lata, będziemy jakąś większą drużyną, która wystartuje w zawodach międzynarodowych” – dodaje Agnieszka.

Who knows! We keep our fingers crossed for this to succeed. Leave a thumb for all Zimnolubni and let us know if you've ever tried or are going to try ice swimming. 🙂 🙂.


Fot. Agnieszka Nar-Czu

Mariusz Zaworka

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